
I refuse it's a sign of maturity to be stuck in complexity

I have been somewhat reclusive from the digital sphere these past years. Secluded, but this time my mind is silent. I do not produce many anxious voices, my thoughts lack depth, but in my case I feel this was the clue to feel calm. I do not analyze the angle of the wave, just hear it crashing.

Realizing that I do live in a [green] bubble of privilege, though.

Have been spending a lot of time with my grandparents. Observing their facets outside the kinship behaviour, seeing them as they are! Adopting many things, e.g. the appreciation for creating and sharing survival goods, understanding traditions. Maybe it is a byproduct of the crisis we are going through, the impotence of doing things beyond survival necessity, or/and the stories of my elders difficult past, that have driven me towards the simple things. I put my excess energy and time into upleveling mostly what has to be done anyway. [like this pie I made out of foraged fruits(sour cherries+cherry plums)!- needed something sweet, put excess energy into the crust-leaves :---D ].



dreamed of icy hills, which I was slithering down, walking along snowy sapphire, arctic and cerulean mountain tops with magnificent views. churches, which waited for me, meeting tourists on the road with pet hybrids of birds and chameleons on their shoulders.
 με το μήτσο σήμερα μιλούσαμε για τα φίδια. μου έδειξε αυτό το τραγούδι https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDJrt7unKUI, κι εγώ του έδειξα αποσπάσματα του Campbell για τα φίδια.

μετά πήγαμε βόλτα. στην αρχή είδαμε φίδι μικρό (ή άποδη σαύρα? δεν ξέρουμε σίγουρα)
ο ουρανός σκοτείνιαζε με κωλοφωτιές και φτάσαμε μέχρι το country cafe, ήπιαμε μπύρα κερκυραική, αλλά δεν είχαμε λεφτά μαζί και είπαμε ότι θα γυρίσουμε με το αμάξι να πληρώσουμε. στο γυρισμό με τα πόδια κι άλλες μαγικές κωλοφωτιές, ο δρόμος ήταν ήσυχος, σκοτεινός και ο ουρανός γεμάτος αστέρια. ένας που ήταν πριν στο μαγαζί σταμάτησε και ρώτησε να μας γυρίσει. του λέμε ότι θέλουμε να περπατήσουμε. λέει: "it is daaangerous", και φεύγει.
φτάνουμε, παίρνουμε το αμάξι και γυρνάμε country cafe. ο τύπος είχε κλείσει το μαγαζί. στο δρόμο είδαμε 6 τσοπανόσκυλα και μια πεθαμένη γάτα. μισή ώρα λείψαμε, τι συνέβββη.
παγωτό βανίλια.



amidst the factory smoke

mimosas return to mind 


witness my awe-strucked inversion

one day pre full moon on september 2017


le grand corbeau des mers
a emporté mon âme
car au cou de chacun
s'accroche son oiseau



Came across this interesting specimen. Its pattern is otherwordly, almost too euclidic. The motive resembles the Sierpinski triangle.

One of the most important mathematical models in developmental biology has been that formulated by Alan , one of the founders of computer science (and the mathematician who cracked the German “Enigma” code during World War II). He proposed a model wherein two homogeneously distributed solutions would interact to produce stable patterns during morphogenesis. These patterns would represent regional differences in the concentrations of the two substances. Their interactions would produce an ordered structure out of random chaos. !!
Turing's reaction-diffusion model involves two substances. One of them, substance S, inhibits the production of the other, substance P. Substance P promotes the production of more substance P as well as more substance S. Turing's mathematics show that if S diffuses more readily than P, sharp waves of concentration differences will be generated for substance P (Figure 1.20). These waves have been observed in certain chemical reactions ().
Figure 1.20. Reaction-diffusion (Turing model) system of pattern generation.

Figure 1.20

Reaction-diffusion (Turing model) system of pattern generation. Generation of periodic spatial heterogeneity can come about spontaneously when two reactants, S and P, are mixed together under the conditions that S inhibits P, P catalyzes production of (more...)
The reaction-diffusion model predicts alternating areas of high and low concentrations of some substance. When the concentration of such a substance is above a certain threshold level, a cell (or group of cells) may be instructed to differentiate in a certain way. An important feature of Turing's model is that particular chemical wavelengths will be amplified while all others will be suppressed. As local concentrations of P increase, the values of S form a peak centering on the P peak, but becoming broader and shallower because of S's more rapid diffusion. These S peaks inhibit other P peaks from forming. But which of the many P peaks will survive? That depends on the size and shape of the tissues in which the oscillating reaction is occurring. (This pattern is analogous to the harmonics of vibrating strings, as in a guitar. Only certain resonance vibrations are permitted, based on the boundaries of the string.)
The mathematics describing which particular wavelengths are selected consist of complex polynomial equations. Such functions have been used to model the spiral patterning of slime molds, the polar organization of the limb, and the pigment patterns of mammals, fish, and snails (Figures 1.21 and 1.22). A computer simulation based on a Turing reaction-diffusion system can successfully predict such patterns, given the starting shapes and sizes of the elements involved.
